- Border Village - Balladonia
- 525kms
- 30°c

Quarantine was a serious affair, the lady checked over the car, under the blankets, in the boot, she looked in everything that opened and closed in the van, including the freezer! I think we were lucky she didn't pull on a pair of gloves! All good and we were waved on into the West.
They aren't lying when they say 90 mile straight road! It is the longest straight road in Australia.
Not a curve at all, lots of ups & downs but not even a bend!
Caiguna Blowhole breathes in and out! Was awesome to feel the cold air coming from the blowhole, however Ella & Oscar weren't keen to get too close to it.
We did see lizards, 2 eagles, 1 snake, an emu and a camel, unfortunately the emu and camel were on the side of the road and they weren't resting. oh and we did see more crazy cyclists.
We stopped for the night at the Balladonia Roadhouse which also happens to be home to....
How very cool, a real piece of space junk in our own backyard!
Pretty cool to touch something that has been into outer space
Balladonia Roadhouse, $32 a night, powered site, no water, shower - just enough to get wet, nice spot to stop off for a night
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