Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 16 - Geraldton

  • Geraldton
  • 22°c
  • Rain
Fell asleep last night to the sound of the waves crashing and strong winds & rain.  Still raining this morning so we weren't in any rush to get moving.  Ella who had been looking forward to a sleep in for the last week or so was the first awake at 7.30?! That doesn't happen Ever!

The rain stopped sometime after lunch so we headed into town for a look around.  Daddy found a lovely park for Ella & Oscar to burn off some energy.

Kinda wish we'd brought a picnic?

Back home and time for some learning.  The workbook scenario really wasn't grabbing them and so  have decided to shelve the workbooks for a bit. Unless they ask for them!

I'm delighted to say that this new approach worked, they were much more interested in learning and doing! Oscar was happy to finish his work and call it a day, but Ella decided she wanted to keep going. It seems it's going to take longer than first thought to "de-school" them from the "spoon-fed" education system.

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe that I have caught up. What a lovely blog Bec. It is extremely interesting and I am looking forward to following you guys on your journey. Happy Travels. Love Van.
