Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 2 - Crossing the border

  • Kaniva - Adelaide  
  • 320kms 
  • 23°c

So we kinda missed the border.. Here we'd been talking it up to Ella & Oscar - 
"we'll do one foot in Vic & 1 foot in S.A. and hop back and forth over the border", it'll be really cool!
There we were busy trying to eat as many of the pears we had on board before we hit the quarantine bin, when the sign "Welcome to South Australia" whizzed past.. Crap! You'd think the quarantine bin would be on the Victorian side of the border but nope it was a couple of km's further along into SA territory & there was no where to turn around for that Totally Awesome photo op.  Hmm what to do, should we pretend we hadn't seen the sign and act surprised or just make an executive decision that the border is actually the quarantine bin? That's what we thought to! But we have definitely got the Border Hop on our Photo List for the way back.

We bought a Jeep, thanks for the heads up that the fuel gauge could go from a safe 40kms to WARNING 4kms of fuel, over the very steep hills coming into Adelaide?  We learnt a very important lesson about carrying Jerry Cans, yes they were full, but it would've been a great idea to label the fuel type! But thankfully Steves' nose was able to distinguish diesel from unleaded and we were sorted in no time!

Adelaide Shores Caravan Park - Big4  - $50 a night


  1. That's hilarious ! Sounds like you are having a great time, trailer park suits you.xxxx
