Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 175 - Thar she blows!

  • Kiama
  • 24°c

Happy Anniversary to us, 12 years ago today we were married!
Our last day in Shellharbour, so we headed up to Kiama  to hopefully see the blowhole. 

The sun had come out and it was actually quite warm, as we walked up the hill to the blowhole we could see the sea was rough and there was plenty of surf. 

As we reached the blowhole we were greeted with a great burst of water rushing up and reaching for the sky, it was quite an amazing sight of nature. 

We were all somewhat mesmerized as it repeated it’s cycle over and over and were very thankful that we got to witness this spectacular display, it was like fireworks with water.  

A stroll down the main street of Kiama led us to an ice cream parlour and then to a lovely park across the road, it’s a lovely town and well worth a visit.

After restocking the pantry, Steve & Oscar replaced the caravan lights cable and the rest of the afternoon was spent just lazing around and Steve even snuck in an afternoon siesta! Dinner was a new dish called The Buddha Bowl” yummo was the consensus from us all


  1. This should have had the "new" wedding dress pic!!! Happy Anniversary mole xx
