Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 71 - The Piercing Urge!

  • Herron Point
  • 28°c
After being woken at the inappropriate hour of about 7.30 by some lovely Melbournians that must've forgotten that the west coast is 3 hours behind, we went back to sleep!! We woke at an almost acceptable hour of about 8.30-9ish and after waking some sleepy children we set off, Jessie wasn't working so we picked her up on the way into Perth.

Our main reason for visiting Perth other than to hang out with Jess was to pick up a parcel from the Post Office and most importantly to restock the coffee cupboard! We were out of pods after sharing the last one yesterday (desperate much!) so Nespresso was on our radar for sure.  Perth is a small city and I think we walked every street after finding the post office the parcel was supposed to be at, only to be redirected to another branch in the city. After much head scratching, dodgy navigation apps & a few wrong turns we finally found and retrieved the parcel.

As we were returning to the car we passed a piercing place & Steve decided to get the piercing done! (No not THAT piercing!!)

Oscar, after seeing how "brave" Daddy was, decided he wanted to get his ear pierced today! He had asked a year or so ago & we had told him when he was twelve, he asked again on this trip and questioned why 12, when Ella had been only 3? We didn't actually have a reason other than "cause we said so" and he said it was something he really wanted to do, so we decided to trust that this was a decision he could make for himself. We are learning on this trip, that we need to give them the opportunity to think, reason & make decisions for themselves and they are just amazing, they have grown and changed so much over the last couple of months.

On return to camp Steve opened his parcel and got to work hooking up the Satellite dish so we can get TV reception wherever we are. The instructions weren't terribly helpful as to how to locate the satellites and so we decided to try again when we're a bit closer to the big smoke. On a plus though we now had coffee!!


  1. Glad you stocked up on coffee!! We have stumbled across a pod in SA that is Nespresso compatible, and cheaper - "Espresso" from foodland. Bought some to try when we meet up with you x

    1. We thought we better stock up for Busselton - The Trailer Trash Cafe will be open for business!!! Can't wait to see you guys xxxx
